Bias corrected CORDEX AFR-44 data. Bias correction done using QDM approach (Cannon et al. 2015) with downscaleR package ( Bias correction to earth2observe data ( ############################ data organization: fullperiod - contains files for individual projections, models, variables covering the entire period of 1951-2099, with the following data model: fullperiod/{scenario}/{variable}/{variable}_{basetime}_{rcm}_{scenario}_{gcm}_{cordex_domain}_{startdate}-{enddate}_bc_{bcmethod}.nc where: variable - is variable name basetime - is temporal resolution (day) rcm - is Regional Climate Model that generated the data scenario - is the GHG emission scenario, here it denotes data from historical and RCP experiments merged together gcm - is GCM from which boundary conditions for the RCM were derived cordex_domain - is CORDEX domain (here AFR44) startdate - is the first date of the file enddate - is the last date of the file bcmethod - is bias correction method applied (here qdm) gwl - contains data processed to represent global warming levels details of gwl dataset in gwl/readme_gwl.txt ############################ bias correction procedure 1. Preprocessing - E2o data, originally at 3h time step were processed to calculate daily (0-24h) totals or means, depending on variable, and individual monthly files were merged to a single file spanning 1979-2014, and subset to southern Africa domain (10E to 52E, 35S to 5S). - for the purpose of bias correction, files covering the entire domain were split into quarters: NE 31E,52E,20S,4S SE 31E,52E,36S,20S SW 10E,31E,36S,20S NW 10E,31E,20S,4S - CORDEX data for all listed variables were subset to the southern Africa domain, maintaining original resolution - historical data were merged with rcp data creating dataset spanning 1951-2099 - files covering the entire domain were split into quarters as described above 2. Bias correction Bias correction was implemented using downscaleR package (, quantile delta mapping (QDM) approach, with the following parameters: reference period: 1980-2014 target period: 1951-2099 tas, tasmax, tasmin were processed as absolute variables remaining variables (pr, ps, rsds, rlds, huss, sfcWind) were processed as "ratio" variables threshold for filling with random numbers: for precipitation: 1mm/day for other variables: 0 moving window parameters: 30,10 3. Postprocessing - bias corrected files in the four quarters were merged to a single file for the entire domain ############################ variables: huss pr ps rlds rsds sfcWind tas tasmax tasmin ############################ spatial domain: southern Africa 10E to 52E 35S to 5S ############################ spatial resolution: 0.25 deg ############################ temporal resolution: daily ############################ temporal coverage: 19510101 to 20991231 ############################ scenarios: rcp45 merged with historical rcp85 merged with historical inventory of models and variables available for each model in inventory files in each sub-directory