Bias corrected CORDEX AFR-44 data organized by global warming level for details of bias correction see readme.txt in cordex_bc (higher level directory) ############################ global warming levels considered: 1,1.5,2,3,4 degC, with respect to 1861-1900 average derived based on Hauser et al. 2022 ( using mapping contained in: cmip_warming_levels-main/warming_levels/cmip5_all_ens/csv/cmip5_warming_levels_all_ens_1861_1900.csv files gwlevels4models_rcp45.txt and gwlevels4models_rcp85.txt contain mapping of global warming levels for each CORDEX model ############################ data organization: -------------------------- cmip_warming_levels-main -------------------------- contains copy of Hauser et al. 2022 ( -------------------------- gwlsubset -------------------------- contains bias-corrected daily data for the entire domain, for all variables, in files that are subset to period spanning all considered global warming levels, limited, however, to the last level that is reached by a particular model. For example for SMHI-RCA4.v1 MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR.r1i1p1, the following periods map to global warming levels: 1 1993 2012 1.5 2012 2031 2 2033 2052 3 not reached 4 not reached data for this model in the glwsubset directory will span the period of 1993-2052 ------------------------- climatology ------------------------- contains monthly climatologies of pr, tasmin and tasmax for each model for each global warming level period ------------------------- yearmean ------------------------- contains mean annual value (30-year mean of annual mean or total) of each of the variables for each model for each global warming level period ############################ source of warming levels periods: ############################ variables: huss pr ps rlds rsds sfcWind tas tasmax tasmin ############################ spatial domain: southern Africa 10E to 52E 35S to 5S ############################ spatial resolution: 0.25 deg ############################ temporal resolution: data in gwlsubset: daily data in climatology: monthy data in yearmean: annual ############################ temporal coverage: different, depending on type of data: - gwlsubset spans period of all "reached" global warming levels - climatology and yearmean data span each individual glw period ############################ scenarios: rcp45 merged with historical rcp85 merged with historical inventory of models and variables available for each model in inventory files in each sub-directory